You know when you’re renting, and there’s that long lease contract that says don’t do this and that? And there’s that part about not painting walls?
Well, I was going to follow those rules in my last apartment. I saw this really beautiful, tropical-y-ish peel-and-stick, renter-friendly wallpaper with gold foil accents on Pinterest. And then I saw the price—issa no for me, dawg.
Image of that unreasonably priced wallpaper.
So then I though to myself, “Why don’t you just paint it? You can always paint it back.”
A few trips to home depot and Michaels, and I was pretty happy with it! This was my first time painting on such a large scale, probably since I was in middle school when I had helped make some backdrops for a school play.
My friends and family said that I should leave it and that my landlord would probably like it. I primed it back white, just in case. And I did still receive a little line item on a bill at the end of my lease for paint.
I was actually pretty proud to challenge myself and make something that I really enjoyed both the process and the end result.
Moral of the story: You can always paint it back :)